Design/Build Benefits

With CDMG as your design-build partner, you'll experience the numerous benefits of design-build construction services.

This method ensures a more efficient project, reduced costs, faster project delivery, and minimized overall risk.

The design-build approach integrates the design and construction phases under a single contract to streamline the entire project process.

One of the significant benefits of design-build projects is improved communication.

By having a single source of truth and one company handling the entire project, from conceptual designs to the finished product, you can avoid the miscommunications that often occur with separate contracts and multiple stakeholders.

This collaborative nature ensures that the design-build team is aligned with your project goals from start to finish.

Cost savings are another key advantage of the design-build method.

You can better manage construction costs and avoid cost overruns with a single contract price.

CDMG's design-build services include detailed project planning, construction management, and procurement, all designed to reduce costs throughout the project.

Our construction managers work closely with the design team to find innovative solutions and best-value options, ensuring the project stays within budget.

Faster project delivery is also a hallmark of successful design-build projects.

The integrated approach allows for overlapping the design and construction phases, significantly compressing the project schedule.
This means your project can move from the design phase to construction and completion faster than traditional construction methods.

By partnering with CDMG, you gain a team of experienced design-build contractors dedicated to delivering high-quality, on-time, and on-budget projects.

Our comprehensive design-build construction services provide the efficiency, cost savings, and reduced risk that make us the ideal choice for your next construction project.

Integrated Team

CDMG excels in forming an integrated team to deliver successful design-build projects.

We partner internally with STEVENS or externally with a network of trusted design-build contractors, ensuring flexibility and expertise in every project.

Our design-build team is proficient at managing the project in coordination with its contractor partners, enhancing the constructability and operability of the facility from the earliest stages of the design process.

By collaborating with skilled construction professionals, CDMG ensures that every aspect of the project, from conceptual designs to the finished product, is handled efficiently.

Our integrated approach leads to innovative solutions and a seamless construction process.

It allows us to identify and address potential issues early, minimizing risks and ensuring the project stays on schedule and within budget.

At CDMG, we are committed to effective project management and clear communication among project stakeholders.

This commitment ensures that each design-build project meets the highest standards of quality and performance.

With CDMG, you benefit from a comprehensive construction management team dedicated to delivering successful projects that exceed expectations.